Plain beat
Hunting of long ago
It is composed of 6 trackings at least and one duck beat.
Prestige beat
It is composed of 6 trackings at least when the shooting of the revered is allowed and one duck beat.
English beat
It is composed of 6 trackings at least when the shooting of the revered is allowed and one duck beat.
Prestige beat
Hunting of long ago
English beat
Duck beat
We suggest two types of duck beats to you : before the general shooting and after the general shooting
Duck beat after the general shooting
It is generally practised after the general shooting, on a half-day of very intense hunting.
Duck beat before the general shooting
From the end of August on, on a half-day of very intense hunting. More than 100 cartridges per rifle on the average.
English beat
It is composed of 6 trackings at least when the shooting of the revered is allowed and one duck beat.
Hunting of long ago
It is composed of 6 trackings at least and one duck beat.
Plain beat
We suggest three types of plain beats to you : hunting of long ago, prestige beat, English beat